Contacts and Directions


Address: 45574 4th Street, Big Bear, CA 92315


Text Message or Call at:
Vietnamese / English
Cindy : 714-809-9872
Janice: 818-563-6883
Thida : 714-616-8981


The Big Bear Meditation Center is located in the scenic pine and juniper forests of the San Bernardino Mountains in southern California, about 5.2 miles from the town center of Big Bear. The meditation center itself is about a 2-1/4 hour drive from Los Angles and Orange counties.

There is no reliable public transportation to reach the Center. It is best reached by car from Los Angeles and Orange counties.

There are two routes up into the San Bernardino mountains, the first is by I-15N and CA-18/Bear Valley Road through Apple Valley; the second is by CA-210E and CA-330N. Both routes are well paved, but please note that the second route involves very winding mountain roads. If anyone is prone to car-sickness, the first route
through Apple Valley is definitely preferred. Please use Google maps, or another phone app for detailed navigation to 45574 4th St., Big Bear, CA 92314.